Friday, November 5, 2010

Let go.

"Life, if you keep chasing it so hard, will drive you to death. Time- when pursued like a bandit- will behave like one; always remaining one county or one room ahead of you, changing its name and hair color to elude you... at some point you have to stop because it won't. You have to admit that you can't catch it. That you're not supposed to catch it. At some point you have to let go and sit still and allow contentment to come to you." -Eat, Pray, Love

Day 8. 
If you could have any pet, regardless of what it is, what would it be?

I'm gonna have to say a baby polar bear. 
Only if it cuddled with me.
Also, as soon as it grows up it is outta hurr. 

Today I am thankful for: Microwaves.
Try to imagine life without a microwave (especially my fellow college students). I honestly don't know what I would do. I remember my mom telling me that when she was growing up, there were no microwaves. How did college students survive?!?! I don't understand... 
Maybe America's love of the microwave and processed foods has us getting fat; nevertheless, I appreciate my instant grub monster. 

1 comment:

  1. We bought our first microwave when I was 8 months pregnant with Josh! Years ago...
