Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 8een.

Day 18.

I know I have a lot about them on here lately.. but oh well. 
Each of my brothers are a hero to me in his own way :) 

Joshua- Support. I can always count on him to support me 100%. He is always encouraging me to chase my dreams and do what makes me happy. The perfect example of following your dreams and being where you want to be, doing what you want to do. Thank you for always being there for me to listen and support. You have helped me more than you will ever know. I love you.

Jason- Humor. I've honestly never met anyone funnier than my brother. He is such a kid at heart and I love it. He is always sending me hilarious texts, and I can't even think of a clever response ever. I am so proud of Jason for all he has done, all he is doing, and all he will do in the future. He is the cutest dad and will be the best doctor. Thanks for keeping things funny and light :) I love you broseph. 

Jordan- Kindness. I honestly cannot recall one single fight I have had with him IN MY LIFE. I am being dead serious. Fights with this kid just don't happen. He was always the peacemaker growing up and would just hate to see any contention. He has such a good heart and is always wanting to help other people. You are such a great example of kindness and acceptance. I love you.

Today I am thankful for: Good Food. I have DEFINITELY taken my mother's cooking for granted. College is a rude awakening, especially when you are broke. haha I am sick of ramen and canned shiz. BLECH. I cannot wait for Thanksgiving! 


  1. Wassup dude? Um so I look like a pedophile in that picture, luckily that kid is mine. You should let me do a guest spot on this blog and I'll do a bit about sirenomelia babies. Love you sis.
