Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Bets and I have been having a Harry Potter marathon these last few days. STOKED for the 7th movie to come out. Of course we are going to the midnight showing. yeaaaa boiiiii.

Is anyone else getting so sick of school? This is the point in the semester where I just want to say screw it! But that would be stupid because it is so close to being over! Blah.

Day 19

My baby girl. Truly one of a kind. Stef is the most hilarious girl with an awesomely dry sense of humor. We have had some of the best times and I will never forget them. Always having fun, she is the girl you want to throw your bachelorette party. I know we will have many more amazing times to come, I love you homegurrrrl.

best gay. We have grown so close within the last year and he is such a great friend. He is always making an effort to keep friendships strong and alive. I am so lucky to have him as a friend and I know we will be friends for life. Love you artemis.

My newest friend, and a great one. We are so much alike, it's scary. We will be friends forever, no doubt in my mind. We have many aligning beliefs and thoughts about life.. making it such a strong friendship. We have dealed with "The Dixies" together and we are both going great places in life. 
Love you girl.

My boiiiii. Brilliant, hilarious, and WILL be successful. I'm so glad he is in my life and could not ask for more support from him. He is so accepting and open minded. I know you can't read this since you're in Mizzippi teachinn dem peepz, but I love ya. Be safe out there.

Just two 5th grade girls on the bus. I am so happy to have her in my life. She inspires me to live life and reach beyond myself. She is so strong and has dealt with more shit storms than anyone I know, and yet still smiles on. Ashley I love you so much, let's take that road trip.. and I can't wait to walk on the beach with you.

Girrrrrrrl. I love this girl. She makes me happy. We have a lot in common and I love that we can always go back to each other, even after a long while of not talking, and it's like we never left. I love you Shae Socks. I will always remember that fateful summer after senior year, haha.

Ahhh this girl. We also align in so many ways. I love her so much, and I know we will also be friends for life. She is so wonderful and brilliant! I am so happy you are in my life Tracer, come visit me in San Diego lots :) 

There are many more people worthy to be on here, but I am getting lazy. I love all of my friends so much and I am so lucky to have such amazing people in my life. Thank you all for being so supportive and loving. 

Today I am thankful for: Creativity. Bets and I went to an open mic poetry reading the other night, SO amazing. I love people who are creative and share it with others. 


  1. The fateful summer hahahahah. Wouldn't change it for anything. Your the best. Love you.

  2. Baby gurl. I love you always and forever. Also, just fyi, "9" doesn't have a "t" at the end of it, so you can't get away with "9een"...it makes no sense...Can't wait for Thanksgiving :)
