Friday, December 31, 2010

New York Christmas.

Well, I am currently at 30,000 feet en route to good old Utah and can now cross "Have a New York Christmas," off my bucket list.
This last week was a success. I finally got to see all of my family!! It was so great.
On Christmas Eve we arrived to a festive New York City apartment and just hung out and played games, Christmas Day we went to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. The Rockettes are ridiculously talented. Here is a picture of me and my momma at the show..

After the show, we went (or at least attemped to) "America's Tree." aka- The giant christmas tree at Rockefeller Center.. seen in Home Alone 2. One of the greatest Christmas movies. This is the best picture I could get. This place was SO crowded, I barely had time to snap a picture.

After that, we went to dinner at a fabulous restaurant called Five Napkin Burger. I am telling you, there is nothing like New York City dining. As we were eating, I noticed the couple next to us staring near the window. I look over in the general direction and it is freaking Bill Murray eating dinner with friends/family.
The funny thing about seeing celebs in New York, is that no one seems to really make a big deal about it, unless you're a tourist.
Here is a pic of Josh, Thomas, and I at the restaurant..

The weather in the Northeast was quite crazy for the first few days.. blizzard blizzard blizzard. All the airports in the area cancelled all flights which meant Jason's family would not be coming, but we are from Utah and Utah KNOWS a blizzard. So Jason and his family drove right into the storm for 6 hours and made it to New York City. What Chammmmpsss.
Those New Yorkers like to make a much bigger deal about the snow than needs be.
After the first few days the snow stopped, but the chilly temperatures did not. It was freeeeezing!!

The rest of the trip was spent enjoying each other's company and going around the city doing fun New York things. You better bet your ace I went to Levain Bakery, known for the most delicious cookies ever. And they truly do have the best cookies ever. If you ever go to NYC, go to Levain! My brother may or may not have had a cookie-gasm on the sidewalk near central park due to the chocolatey goodness.

I could not have asked for a better Christmas vacation and better people to spend it with. I loved it so much. But I am ready to go home and spend the last 2 weeks I have in Utah with good friends. I have missed my friendies. Shae lover don't worry I am coming for you! 
I also cannot believe 2010 is over. Really? It seems like yesterday I was getting on a plane with my girls to go on our fabulous senior trip in 2009! Crazy how time flies, (cliche?)

Reflecting back on 2010, I don't think there has been a single year in my life where I have changed and grown so much as a person than this one. I do have a sneaky feeling, though, that next year I will say the exact same thing. It was filled with ups and downs, a whole lot of self searching, and a whole lot of wonderful traveling. I had a pretty good year I'd say.. but I could not be happier to be starting a whole new year. Some say New Year's Day is "just another day,"  which it is.. but to me it signifies new life and a new start.. or just improving. There is always room for improvement in life. I am so excited for this new year and what it will bring... one of my good friends is taking a leap and getting married in March, who knows what other weddings will happen this year among my friends, another good friend of mine got the opportunity to be a camp counselor in New York in the summer, and of course.. a biiiig move for me.. happening fairly soon. I could not be more excited. 

I will also be turning 20 this year! Woo, I know I know, not that big of a deal.. but I will officially be out of my teen years. I can't decide if I am relieved or sad.. 
I decided instead of "New Year's Resolutions" I am making some goals I would like to attain by the time I turn 20 in May. 
Inspired by my mother's 50 by 50 challenge, I decided to do the same but a 20 by 20 challenge. I am only sharing it with all of you because I hope that by doing so, it will make me that much more accountable to the challenge. 
Here goes..
-Read 20 Books
-Watch 20 Movies
-Write 20 Letters
-Lose 20 Pounds

So if you'd like to follow me on this journey, I will be updating on the challenge probably about once a week. 
I already finished my first book and my first movie! 



I don't have my full list of movies or books done yet, so if you have any recommendations.. please!!! 

Well I hope all of your New Year's Eve's are fun and safe. 
I love you all. 
May 2011 bring you much love.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

christmas cookies.


My stomach may or may not have just dropped. Wow crazy, I didn't realize I was moving that soon. Oh well, friends.. let's make the best of what I have left here! Those of you who read this and live in North Ogden/Salt Lake area, and I haven't seen you yet.. LET'S GET ON THAT RIGHT NOW! Yes miss Rach Shaw I am talking to you.

Things are so great lately. I am really enjoying spending time at home with family and friends. :) Nothing is better than spending time with loved ones. Okay I'm done being cheesy.

So, today I had a "psychic" reading, if you want to call it that. Before you jump to conclusions and pass judgment, it was nothing like you would think. Psychics do not tell you your future and what exactly will happen to you in life. That's not how it works. They simply tell you things about yourself you may or may not already know, and give ideas of how to over come certain problems you may be dealing with. It's such a cool experience. You can choose to call B.S. or whatever, I don't care. I enjoyed it. From my experience, it was all very true. Some of it ridiculously true. I'm not going to go into detail about the life experiences/problems that were addressed, because as I have learned over the last few months.. A LOT more people read my blog than I thought.

I hope you are all getting geared up and excited for Christmas :) I sure am. I still have some holiday shopping to do, however. It's okay though, I'm just enjoying the spirit of the season. It sounds lame, but it's true. Tracy and I baked christmas cookies tonight! Woo they were delicious, but now I feel a little sick. blech.

Anyway- My posts lately are pretty pointless, but ees okay. Just enjoyin' life :)

love you all.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

3 a.m.

I'm officially moved home. Weirddddd.

Saying my goodbyes in St. George was surprisingly easy. I have a feeling come January it will be a different story with my friends here.

Ah, so the boy I talked about in my last post.. my long time crush. Well, we spent 2 magical days together to part ways probably to never see each other again. I think these two days served such an important purpose to me. It showed me that my once broken hearted self is ready to try again.. sometimes that's all you need, just a little kick.

Tonight was such a beautiful night. I got to see all of my favorite people! Betsy's brother's band Mountain Hymns played at Uncommon Grounds.. it was SO great. I loved it so much. Listen to them, they are so great!
   If you live in the Ogden area and you still have not been to Uncommon Grounds.. Go!! Their drinks are delish. I promise. Get the vanilla chai with caramel.. you will not be disappointed.

I could not be more content right now. I am so happy that I got to see all of the people that I saw tonight. I have a feeling that this next month is going to fly by while I am home.. let's make it great friends.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

malfoy, bug, bieber, and sun.

Beth- here's your update.

Hokay, so... a few things.

First, say hello to Draco Malfoy.
This here is my final for stage make-up. We were supposed to do a photo reproduction with a gender reversal for extra points. So, here is haley as Malfoy. haha Isn't it great? Okay it could have been better, I know.  I mostly just wanted to make her malfoy so I could say "GIVE IT HERE MALFOY" to her in a british accent. haha she has about had enough. she's a champ.

I would just like to take a second to dedicate part of this post to my wonderful long-time friend and current roommate, Miss Haley Humphreys, aka-bug. 
Even though we were only roommates for one month, I feel that in that time we grew so much closer than I ever would have imagined. We have stayed up until 4 am and slept until noon far too many times for our own good, made late night wal*mart runs, and sang as loud as humanly possible. I am so grateful for the fun times we shared, and I am glad we can be friends. You have been such a lovely roommate and I have never had one single annoyance. :) I love you and I'm happy and grateful for the time we had together. 

Alright next up, 

I received the greatest gift that anyone could ever receive for Christmas last night, and it was even for a white elephant. 
are you ready?

12 MONTHS OF BIEBER!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, could life get any better? You'd better bet your ace I'll be usin' that thing.

This was at our Dixie Sun Staff Christmas party. This staff is so funny and I am so happy that I had the opportunity to work with them, even if only for one semester. I will miss you all! 
Here's a picture of (most of) the staff.

Well, 2 finals to go. Yay! :) I am going to soak up every last minute I have here.

Errbody is starting to leave :( My buddies Vince and Tyler headed home earlier today and bug is about to leave in a few minutes. awwww
But for now, I gotta go say bye to bug. :(

Friday, December 10, 2010


First off, please read Tyson's blog entry today. It's something important that many times we overlook because we hear it time and time again.. but I really appreciated his personal story on the issue. Please read it and spread the word.

Second, last night Betsy, Haley and I went to poetry reading at Twenty Five Main. Main Street in St. George is very short, but it is the cutest thing filled with art galleries, restaurants, and novelty shops. Twenty Five Main is a quaint little cafe famous for their cupcakes. They host poetry reading on Thursday nights, and can I just say it is the greatest thing. I loved it so much!

One poem really stood out to me, I wish I would have been brave enough to ask the girl for a copy.. but I didn't. I remember it was called, "A Material Existence." She basically talked about how the world has become so reliant on unnecessary things. "Girls are supposed to wear their hair long, you can't have short hair." "Plump your lips with this gloss, extend your lashes with this." "You're not skinny enough, you're not pretty enough, you're not tall enough, you're not short enough."
I wish you could all hear her read it.. it is so much better/more powerful when read. It just really got me thinking, why? Doesn't it get exhausting trying to impress everybody all the time? Can't people see the natural beauty and happiness in the simple things? I'm not trying to preach by any means.. because let's face it, I'm just as guilty as the rest when it comes to caring about material things.
But I can tell you that I have begun (or at least tried) to start detaching myself from stupid petty things, one by one.
In the end of the day, who cares where your shirt is from, whose name you're wearing on your back pocket, if you drive a BMW or a Dodge Neon, If your car contains a sweet stereo system or a simple cassette tape player, if you spend your weekends boating, camping, riding 4 wheelers, and playing with all your toys, or if you spend the weekend at home watching movies.
I have known a few people in my life who have money and nice things, and like to show it. These people are always the most annoying people to be around.. that's why I usually don't stick around and form a friendship.
In the end it's who you are, not what you have.

Anyway, I'm sorry if I may sound preachy. It is not my intention, I just really enjoyed her poem and the message behind it.

Classes are OVER! I don't have class for a whole year. How weird. I am really looking forward to this break I'm giving myself, although at times I am sure I will miss school. It's fine, I'll just be spending all my free time at the beach. no biggie.
Speaking of San Diego, I have been having so much fun here these last few days that I hadn't really thought about it for a little bit, until yesterday when I woke up to an e-mail of my flight confirmation, one way. It was just weird, it kind of actually hit at that point. Good luck Jenna.

If you listened to the Bon Iver song I posted the other day and liked it, you will LOVE this.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

patient. fine. balanced. kind.

Time is winding down here in St Geezy! Crazy. Of course things start getting SO fun right when it's just about the end. Funny how that works.
I will definitely miss it here for certain reasons.. but I am looking forward to spending time with family and old friends for the next month before I move to San Diego!
Also, my New York Christmas is rapidly approaching! One more thing to cross off the bucket list. If only I could fall in love with a stranger there, that would be perfect.

I am looking forward to spending a good solid three weeks at Uncommon Grounds with Tracy Hutchison and Paige Sjoblom. Yep.

In my newspaper class today, my advisor was telling us about how she had a horrible prank played on her while in college.. A kid she had been dating took all the tires off her car and put them on the roof, along with crisco on the door handles covered in freshly shaved pubes. Apparently it didn't end well.

Haley (my roomie) and I decided to play a prank on our guy friends that live with us. It was kind of a lame one, we moved everything from the living room (plants, tables, chairs, etc) into their room. They didn't think it was very funny. Lame prank, I know. But we wanted to do something.
They got us back, ten times worse.
I came back to this tonight.........

Watch your backs boys.

Okay, I have a new musical obsession. Bon Iver. Marry me, please. Listen to this song, if you are a cool human being you will enjoy it. Apparently I am way behind on thinking this song is cool.. so you may already know it.

Life is good. :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

I am officially

A Blogcritic! Yay.

Okay so it's not that cool.
But I decided that since I will be taking some time off school, it would be smart for me to keep doing something to sharpen my writing skills. It's not hard to become a blogcritic, but it will be good practice for me. The website is a website full of thousands of articles and reviews on pretty much every topic. I will be writing random things for the site, I haven't really gone through all the rules I have been e-mailed yet. I am super excited and I will be posting all my articles. Those of you who are writers yourselves, or just really anyone, PLEASE feel free to comment/criticize, I need all the help I can get to become a better writer.

Errbody be preparin fo finals week. I love my cove buddies.
Meet Franky and Tyler.
two of the greatest people ever.
Franky is the tender, quiet kid on the left.. except when he talks its pretty loud. You can pretty much hear him talking from anywhere in our house, but it's fine.. because everyone loves him.
Tyler is one of my best friends. He is so hilarious.. there's really not much more to say besides that he is awesome.

Meet Vince.
This looks like an engagement picture...
Ok but seriously- probably one of my most favorite people of all time. He is literally the FUNNIEST kid ever. I'm pretty sure he doesn't ever think anything he doesn't say. Always bustin out the most random jokes.

Meet Josh.
He lives off top ramen and burritos. 
Is hilarious
and one of the most chill people ever.

Meet Shari.
She didn't know my name for the first 3 months I lived here, but still always talked to me.
She wears a "tool" necklace with a peter on it.. if you look closely you can see she is wearing it.

Mat and Cristhian
Mat doesn't really live here, but he pretty much does. Sweetest kid ever.
Cristhian is just a tender kid from Peru. love him.

Daniel- on the far left.
He doesn't live her either, but basically does.
Great artist. A man of few words. Amazing dancer.

This is only some of the people that live here, I will try to get pictures of the rest. They are the greatest. haha 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

little things.

I woke up yesterday and had the sudden urge to go running.. not a usual thing for me, so I decided I better take advantage. I began running and listening to my favorite songs on my ipod, which are NOT your typical exercise "pump up" tunes. I realized that running is SO much better when you just take it how you want.. don't force yourself to run if you don't feel like it, it's OKAY to walk a little bit here and there. Enjoy the outdoors and the experience, instead of focusing on how many of last night's cookies you are burning off.
Enjoy the little things, like a run with your favorite music, a hot shower, warm towels fresh from the dryer, a good night's sleep, a cup of coffee, a good joke, or anything that makes you smile.

As much as I always complain about St. George and being here... now that I'm in my last weeks here, I'm starting to realize all of the little things I will truly miss..
Starbucks Sundays with Betsy- aka. Church.
getting in touch with my inner ghetto here at Dixie Cove.
Jerkercising- Betsy and I made up "jerkercising" it is basically just doing the reject for as long as you can.. it is a great workout.
Going to swig with Haley and Vince to get ourselves a Dr. Pepper.(Swig has the greatest dr pepper)
Waking up at 2 p.m. on the weekends with nobody else awake yet.
Midnight walmart runs.
Dance parties.
My public speaking class- our entire class became friends since we spent so much time talking in front of each other.
Walking by bedroom #3 and stopping to break it down for a minute. (They always blast rap music)
Sawyer's perma-smile.
reading by the pool, the same crew walking by asking if I want to get high with them, and I turn them down, every time, but they continue to ask. haha
Josh's signature top ramen and burrito lunch.
Taylor, my super-liberal atheist friend.
hanging out with Vince and complaining about no sleep because everyone is too loud.
being a true starving college student with literally no money for anything.

I love this place, but all good things must come to an end. As much as I love it, I don't think I could last another semester here.. my grades would definitely prove the lack of sleep and studying that goes on here.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Walk on.

Thanks to the snow, I am still at home.. 
Missing class in St. George today.
Waiting for the road warnings to end.. Gah.

Being home this last week really got me thinking... I started getting nervous and questioning if I really want to spend a year of my life away from relationships and things that I've spent years building to go to a place where I know absolutely no one. 
Then I snapped out of it. 
I realized that if I don't do this, I will kick myself. This opportunity is one that I have to take. I owe it to myself. These relationships, if they are truly strong, will last. Just because I'm away doesn't mean they will crumble into pieces. It's just a little bit scary when it really hits, but I guess that's the beauty. I have absolutely no idea what will happen, and that's okay :) 

"In the end the only steps that matter are the ones you take all by yourself."
The weepies.

Bye Swedeeeee, see you in two.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving. I sure did. Had a lovely time at home with the fam, cousins, and arthur. Yay for holidays and food. Not so yay for being totally stuffed.
We played a hilarious game though. Everyone gets a piece of paper and writes a "what if..." question, then everyone switches papers and answers another person's question with a "then..." statement. One person then reads their question, and the next person reads the answer on their own paper.. some of them end up being SO hilarious. My favorite of the night was...
"What if all of our faces were bums?"
"Then Helen Keller was the lucky one."

Today was a lovely day as well. I saw Morning Glory with mom dad and jordan.. went to coffee with Tracy... hung out with Swede, Justin, and Mike for a little bit... and then finished the night off with my girl Betsy and met some of her awesome friends. Couldn't have asked for a better day.

Finally saw Eat, Pray, Love the movie!!! It was pretty good, I guess it was as good as they could have done. I, of course, love the book way more though.

Day 29.
Your favorite memory.

Seriously? There are sooooo  many it's ridiculous. One that really sticks out in my mind is the time that me, shae and tracy left a party at Haley's house and went to wal mart and bought Christmas Moo-Moo's and Candy canes. We came back to the party wearing our moo-moos and we handed out candy canes to everyone. It sounds so stupid but I don't know why it is so awesome to me. I loved it. haha I wish I had a picture from that night, I don't know where they went though. 

Day 30. FINAL DAY! wooo
picture of you last year and now and how you have changed since.

Last year- I couldn't find one of me alone haha but derrrs me.


Well, my hair color has changed.. that's for sure. haha. I have also changed in SO many ways. I feel like I have grown so much. I ran a marathon.  I have learned how to love and accept myself. I have really begun to explore and develop myself spiritually and mentally. 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

haligh, haligh.

was just a good day.  One of those days where you are incredibly content with life, and you don't know why. Nothing significant happened, it just was. I went with my mom and dad to get a new phone (which I am totally stoked about, it's awesome.) Then I went with a friend of mine to get her tattoo, it looks amazing. Following the ink sesh, we headed over to our favorite coffee shop Uncommon Grounds which my buddies own.. it's amazing, if you haven't been there. Go! Their new location is on 25th street in Ogden. Anyway, we met some other friends there and had the greatest time drinking coffee/laughing/catching up. I don't know why, but I just loved it so much. To me, the simple times are the best.

It's so crazy how much can change in a short period of time. Things happen the way they are supposed to and that's all there is.

Day 28.
What do you predict about your future?

I can't really say. I feel like that is the beauty of life: not knowing. I can predict, though, that it will be just as it should be.  It will be wonderful and filled with excitement and many opportunities :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


"Don't spend energy chasing the illusion of happiness instead of enjoying happiness in the moment."
-Deepak Chopra

It seems that we are constantly searching for the next best thing in our lives, never satisfied. That is how things have been for me the past few years; however, we must remember that "this moment is as it is." 

"Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment."

Have you ever thought about why certain people have come into your life and then left? We attract certain people, relationships, events, and situations into our lives at different times. Some people come into our lives to teach us something, and then leave. Others stay longer because they are truly like us and we need them. 

"A cloud does not know why it moves in such a direction and at such speed. It feels an impulsion, this is the place to go now. But the sky knows the reasons and the patterns behind all clouds, and you will know too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons."

Being at home is definitely different! But I guess that's life, right?

Day 27.
List your goals.

. be at peace with myself and the world
.. succeed at doing something I absolutely love
... travel the world

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


EEEES A STORM OUTSIDE! CRAZY. literally you cannot see anything outside. 
Can't wait to live in sunny San Diego. :)

Day 25 and 26.
Your first love and a habit you wish you didn't have.

First love. pahaha here goes
awww presh

A habit I wish I didn't have..... hmmm probably like 3/4 of the way through the semester I get SO incredibly lazy and just stop going to class and never want to do anything. I wish I could keep my motivation. gah.

New phone tomorrow! Yay. Now I get that for my christmas, thanks thieves. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010


My phone was stolen last night. Seriously, I hate thieves.

Day 24.
A picture that makes you happy.
Cancun '09
Best week ever!!!

Okay I am done with my "today I am thankful for"s. I feel like I'm just being annoying haha

I can't wait to go homey home! I am so tempted to just leave tomorrow. ahhhh I want to go!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I'm starting to get SO anxious to go home. I haven't been home in over 2 months. I was honestly so close to just saying forget school Mon and Tues, I'm going home.. but I decided I better go. 
I am excited to be in a HOME for Thanksgiving and be out of my tile floored messy dungeon. 

Day 23. 
Favorite Youtube Video.

I know it is sooooo overplayed, but I'm gonna have to go with this one.

Today I am thankful for: Cosmic Law. Which says that "like attracts like." To get what you want and make truly good friends, you must be exactly who you are. The rest will follow. Read the book "Illusions" to understand it more fully.

Friday, November 19, 2010

du rags and pajama pants.

Day 22.
Favorite book.

This is a tough one.. I have been reading A LOT lately and it is hard to choose. 
So I will choose a few..
The perks of being a wallflower.

Eat, Pray, Love

Illusions.. my most recent read. SO good. It is a different way of looking at life, I love it.
read it!
"If you want to remove a cloud from your life, you do not make a big production out of it, you just relax and remove it from your thinking, that's all there is to it."

I am currently reading The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
and I can tell it will be another favorite. 
Such good insight. 
I am now a believer in the power of positive thinking.
I will explain more on that later.

Today I am thankful for: 
that is all.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


how adorable

Day 21.
Favorite TV show.

Family Guy.

South park is in a close second, but Family Guy wins.

Today I am thankful for: Good hair stylists. Poor Betsy let a coked out guy cut her hair for community service... needless to say, she now was a mullet. 


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Favorite Movie..

Probably has to be.. Love Actually. If you haven't seen it, SEE it. It is perfect for the holidays, too. You will love it!
I would post a picture of it, but my internet is being SUPER slow, so it's just too much of a hassle. 

Today I am thankful for: Solitude. Sometimes it's nice just to spend some time alone, listening to music, or just thinking.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Bets and I have been having a Harry Potter marathon these last few days. STOKED for the 7th movie to come out. Of course we are going to the midnight showing. yeaaaa boiiiii.

Is anyone else getting so sick of school? This is the point in the semester where I just want to say screw it! But that would be stupid because it is so close to being over! Blah.

Day 19

My baby girl. Truly one of a kind. Stef is the most hilarious girl with an awesomely dry sense of humor. We have had some of the best times and I will never forget them. Always having fun, she is the girl you want to throw your bachelorette party. I know we will have many more amazing times to come, I love you homegurrrrl.

best gay. We have grown so close within the last year and he is such a great friend. He is always making an effort to keep friendships strong and alive. I am so lucky to have him as a friend and I know we will be friends for life. Love you artemis.

My newest friend, and a great one. We are so much alike, it's scary. We will be friends forever, no doubt in my mind. We have many aligning beliefs and thoughts about life.. making it such a strong friendship. We have dealed with "The Dixies" together and we are both going great places in life. 
Love you girl.

My boiiiii. Brilliant, hilarious, and WILL be successful. I'm so glad he is in my life and could not ask for more support from him. He is so accepting and open minded. I know you can't read this since you're in Mizzippi teachinn dem peepz, but I love ya. Be safe out there.

Just two 5th grade girls on the bus. I am so happy to have her in my life. She inspires me to live life and reach beyond myself. She is so strong and has dealt with more shit storms than anyone I know, and yet still smiles on. Ashley I love you so much, let's take that road trip.. and I can't wait to walk on the beach with you.

Girrrrrrrl. I love this girl. She makes me happy. We have a lot in common and I love that we can always go back to each other, even after a long while of not talking, and it's like we never left. I love you Shae Socks. I will always remember that fateful summer after senior year, haha.

Ahhh this girl. We also align in so many ways. I love her so much, and I know we will also be friends for life. She is so wonderful and brilliant! I am so happy you are in my life Tracer, come visit me in San Diego lots :) 

There are many more people worthy to be on here, but I am getting lazy. I love all of my friends so much and I am so lucky to have such amazing people in my life. Thank you all for being so supportive and loving. 

Today I am thankful for: Creativity. Bets and I went to an open mic poetry reading the other night, SO amazing. I love people who are creative and share it with others. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 8een.

Day 18.

I know I have a lot about them on here lately.. but oh well. 
Each of my brothers are a hero to me in his own way :) 

Joshua- Support. I can always count on him to support me 100%. He is always encouraging me to chase my dreams and do what makes me happy. The perfect example of following your dreams and being where you want to be, doing what you want to do. Thank you for always being there for me to listen and support. You have helped me more than you will ever know. I love you.

Jason- Humor. I've honestly never met anyone funnier than my brother. He is such a kid at heart and I love it. He is always sending me hilarious texts, and I can't even think of a clever response ever. I am so proud of Jason for all he has done, all he is doing, and all he will do in the future. He is the cutest dad and will be the best doctor. Thanks for keeping things funny and light :) I love you broseph. 

Jordan- Kindness. I honestly cannot recall one single fight I have had with him IN MY LIFE. I am being dead serious. Fights with this kid just don't happen. He was always the peacemaker growing up and would just hate to see any contention. He has such a good heart and is always wanting to help other people. You are such a great example of kindness and acceptance. I love you.

Today I am thankful for: Good Food. I have DEFINITELY taken my mother's cooking for granted. College is a rude awakening, especially when you are broke. haha I am sick of ramen and canned shiz. BLECH. I cannot wait for Thanksgiving! 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

tis official.

It's official. 
I'm moving to San Diego in January!
This place is amazing, and the family is even better. I'm so excited to start a new life... it's going to be hard at first I'm sure, but I'm ready.
I am a little bit nervous about leaving my life behind.. but then again, I haven't made much of a life for myself in St. George anyway. I will miss the few close friends I have made there, though.
This is where my blog will come in handy.. I will keep you all updated on my adventures on the coast. I'm sooooo stoked!
But for now: must.....finish......semester....strong. gah.

I mentioned yesterday that San Diego has the coolest sunsets.. yeah...

Day 17.

Brucey and Allitron. 

aren't they precious?
I love my parents. 
They are the most supportive and loving people ever. 
The love they have for each other is something I hope to find someday. 
Thank you for being you and making me, me. 
I love you guys.

Today I am thankful for: Cameras.
Think about it.. every special moment can be captured with a camera.. whether it be a video camera, or a good ol still camera. Cameras give us the ability to hold onto our favorite times and maybe our not so favorite times.. Our first love, our first "myspace" picture (you know, the one where you are holding the camera about 12 inches above yourself and making an emo or kissy face), the lovely new additions to the family, pictures of old loved ones who have passed on, that moment that you tie the knot, the winning shot at the high school basketball game, and everything between. Cameras are beautiful.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I'm just ballin it up in Carlsbad right now. I love these people. They are so awesome and a really good example of how to raise a child. The little girl, Taylor, is so adorable and she is the best.. she never cries and is so obedient. Shari, the mom, is the sweetest lady ever. The dad, Alex, is the coolest and most funny guy. Things are going great so far :) Today we went around town and just hung out. They just wanted to give me a taste of what their life is normally like. It was a lot of fun. I can see the ocean from their house, it is so amazing. They also have the prettiest sunsets.

Day 16.
Something you're looking forward to...

Christmas in New York City!!!
I get to be in the most magical place for Christmas. I can't wait.
and my whole family will be together, finally!!

Today I am thankful for: technology.
I think it is so amazing that people from clear across the world have the ability to communicate so fast. Skype is really the coolest thing ever. I am so grateful for it because I get to see all of the people I love!!

Friday, November 12, 2010


I love airports.
They make me think.
I wonder what people's stories are
I wonder where they've been
where they're headed and why?
Are they going to say goodbye to a dying relative?
or maybe they're going to see an old friend..
no matter, it's intriguing.

It's so diverse here
you see so many people
some of their homes are easily identifiable 
by the way they are dressed or talk.
Business men's suits and blackberries glued to the ear
pretty much say it all:
Corporate America hard at work.

And then there's me..
leaving on a plane to see where the next part of my life could possibly go
who knows?
it's exciting though.


Today is the day! :) Yay, I am going to meet this wonderful family. Hooray for being in 4 states in one day. Hooray for new opportunities and exploring new places.

Day 15. Half way done!!
A picture of you when you were little.

Today I am thankful for: Freedom.
We live in such a cool country, seriously. I am so happy that people fight for our rights and freedom. It is beautiful. 

Gotta make it short. I gotza flight ta catch. peaceeee.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


icantwaitfortomorrow. sandieggoooooooo hurr i come. 

Day fourteen. 
Something or someone you miss.

I miss a lot of people, considering I am away from all my family and old friends. 
But I miss these men the most.

Today I am thankful for: My bed.
I feel like many people take things like a bed or a warm shower for granted. We seem to forget that those are luxuries. There are people in this world who do not have beds, warm water, or a house. I know it is cliche to say, but it's true. Just take time to appreciate what you have and those who make it possible.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's such a perfect day.

Happy Birthday To the biggest stud around. My Dad! Yeaaa boiii. What a tender man. 

Day 13. 
Your Dream house.

I am obsessed with colonial houses. I love the big columns, windows, and shutters. 

Today I am thankful for: Geneen Roth. This woman is a genius. She is the author of the popular book Women, Food, and God, as well as a few other amazing books. She sheds a new light on the never ending battle between humans and eating/weight. Yes I will admit, I have had problems with this issue.. for quite some time now actually. She teaches that eating, as well as many other things, is about listening to your body.. and dieting is not the answer. "For every diet, there is an equal and opposite binge." I firmly believe in her teachings. If you or anyone you know feel like you have a negative relationship with food or yourself, please try reading any of her books. She is amazing. 

it's such a perfect day.
a perfect day for change and improvement.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Mom- I want to come home for Thanksgiving. Even though it will only be for a day because I have to work black friday. damn die-hard shoppers. 

I cannot wait until Dec 26th. All of the Black family siblings will be together again for the first time in 2 1/2 years! Ahh I really can't wait. 

Day 12
A thought for the day.

"Devotion is diligence without assurance. Faith is a way of saying, "Yes, I pre-accept the terms of the universe and I embrace in advance what I am presently incapable of understanding."

Today I am thankful for: Child birth.   
Not for the reasons you may think. I am thankful for Child birth because my Public Speaking Teacher's wife is having a baby today, so class got cancelled. Thanks universe.