After six of the most interesting, self-searching months of my life.. the time has now come for me to go home. I cannot believe how fast it went and how much I learned about myself. It definitely was... well, an experience.
I have to take a moment to thank "The Fam" for everything. They are truly some of the most amazing people I have ever met. They showed me nothing but kindness and love my entire stay. My love for them has grown so much and has made it hard to want to leave, but I know it's something I need to do.
A- has been hilarious. That's pretty much how I describe him. Super funny and caring. He is such a great father and husband to his family, at least from my perspective. If my husband is half as loving as him, I'll be just fine.
S- has been my best friend these last six months. Also, my sisterwife. haha. We spent a lot of time together and I never once got sick of her. (The opposite might not be true, ha) It never felt like she was a "boss" or someone I had to feel weird around. I told her things that a lot of you don't know about me. We had some great times together.
I love you, S. I really do. You have taught me so much and I'll never forget you.
T- my girl. The little person that I spent the majority of the past 6 months of my life with. Extremely smart and such a joy to be around. I love you little girl, even though you'll never remember me. I'll always remember you.
H- you're juuuuuust a baby. And I love ya.
Of course I will miss the doggies, too.
Thank you to everyone here who was so great to me. I love you all!
I am greatful you had such a loving, caring family to live and work with for the past six months. I am grateful to them for truly making you a part of their family.