Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Things are going great! I love The Smiths. I am already starting to get attached to T. She is so cute and talks a ton. I am literally amazed at how well behaved she is and how many words she can say at 18 months. I can't help but let her in my room when I hear her tiny voice say "open peas?" 
She also keeps me in check in the car.. "jenna buckle safety" every time. hahah
Today we went to the gym, a huuuuge brand new 24 hour fitness, it's incredible. S and I dropped T off at the kid zone and met the nice ladies who work there. It reminded me of the days when Kaylie Layton and I worked at Gold's nursery and oh the times we had. hahahaha we were horrible. I hope that the women who watch T at the gym are nothing like Kaylie and I were. Even though I wouldn't trade those times for anything. I MISS you Kray.

Carlsbad has the greatest sunsets, I took a picture the other night.. 
this is the view from the back yard. (Yes you can see the ocean from the backyard)

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