Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kava, church, and jobs.

This weekend was so great,
I love experiencing new cultures and meeting new people.
Some of my girl friends and I went to hang out with a big group of Polynesian people and experienced some of their culture. 
So amazing.
They played the ukulele and we all sang songs, chilled, laughed, and had a good time.
I felt like we were in Hawaii (except I looked outside to see ugly red rock instead of the ocean).
We mixed Kava
(a root used to make a drink that relaxes you without affecting mental clarity)
It is basically dirt water. 

"It tastes like your water fell in dirt and you picked it back up and drank it," -Shelby Tomaiko. 

I had so much fun, I'm really loving St. George a lot more this year than last. 
I have met some legit people this year, (I apologize for using the term "legit" but it is the only way to describe these great people)

I am currently at church. 
I witnessed a beautiful baptism, 
a little boy named Joshua who came in with his mom.
His mom told everyone it was his birthday and the whole place sang happy birthday
he then had his worship. (lovely coffee drink=worship)
Congrats Joshua. 
I apologize if that is offensive to anyone.. but then again, this is my blog and my life.

So the post I wrote a while ago about "the never ending debate,"
I wrote an opinion piece for the newspaper.. it was amazing.
My editor told me today that that piece has basically already been done.
Now I had to re-write a whole new, and less fiery, opinion piece.
Ah, it happens.

On a better note,

I got some jobs! 
I am STOKED about working at Bath and Body works.
(mostly cause of the discount, and the fact that I get a discount at Victoria's Secret as well)
Yea buddy. 
rollin like a big shot

Also: YES, that ifeelinfinite tattoo on the finger is mine. 
judge all you want. 
once again, my life.

I think it's quite funny that people have called my mom to ask about it. 

Anyway: I hope everyone is having a lovely day and doing lovely things :)


  1. Hahaha I literally laughed out loud when you apologized for using legit. I like your blog so much.

  2. Laugh... did someone really call your mom about your tattoo?! That's the funniest thing I have heard ALL day!!
    It's a damn cute tat.
    still giggling.

  3. girll im not gonna lie... i miss you on facebook. hahahaha but you rock for deleting it! p.s. i freakin love that pic of you and betsy to the right. hahahahha

  4. Thanks Lauren! I like yours too :)

    Amy- haha yes more than one person called. They were mostly adults though, which is even more funny. But thanks I like it too :)

    Shelby- Girl can we just hang out more please?
