There's nothing like taking the roller coaster ride of life with a good friend to throw our hands up and scream with.
I want to thank those people who have helped me tremendously in my life.
Mom and Dad.
I have posted about them countless times, but it's because they have made such a huge impact on the person I have become. They have always put up with my crazy ideas and dreams, and let me figure things out on my own. Thank you for bringing me up with the opportunity to chase my dreams and always supporting me. I love you.
look how precious they are.
Never in my life did I think I would find someone so sweet. This guy is my everything. He keeps me going when times are tough and won't let me give up.. on anything. I am so incredibly lucky to have the most supportive boyfriend in the entire world. He always puts me first, even if it means we don't get to see each other as much. I feel like that is the true definition of love for another person. I love you Ty.
Thank you for knowing me so well that you could probably make better decisions for myself than I could. Everyone needs that person in their life. I am fortunate enough to have that in both a best friend and a sister. You helped me through the hardest time of my entire life and I simply cannot thank you enough. I love you girl.
Thank you for being the type of friend I know I can always come back to no matter how long it's been. We've been through a lot together and I can say we know each other to the core. You've made a huge impact in my life, whether you realize it or not. I look up to you and know I can always count on you. I love you Ash.
this was one of the very few pics of us I could find on my computer. Senior year in high school.
Hmm.. maybe we should take more pics?
One of the most fantastic people of this generation, I am not kidding. Thanks for being my coffee buddy. You have made my life so full of deep conversations, I don't know where I'd be without them. You have no idea how much your friendship means to me. I love you tracer.
I cannot even begin to explain how much this woman has impacted my life. She came into my life at an interesting time, when I couldn't have needed her any more. We instantly clicked and were inseparable for months. Thank you for being my "church" friend and always encouraging me to be a better person... and giving me loads of amazing music. I love you Bets.
we should probably update our picture.....
More shout outs-
Stef- I really miss you more than anything. I could not be more grateful for our friendship. Thank you for always being someone I can count on.
Arthur- boy I miss you!! I need to come visit soon. I miss us living a staircase apart. Thanks for your friendship, it means a lot. Love you boiii.
Preston- Get home already you freak. I miss you.
My bros- you guys are the best. Thanks for keeping your little sis on track throughout the years.. and not letting me do "ghetto" things like tanning with a heart sticker in high school.
The Bard Family- Not sure if you'll read this, but you all impacted my life in more ways than you'll ever know. I miss T every single day of my life and still get teary eyed thinking about her. AB and SB, you guys are great parents and great to each other, you really helped me realize what I want in a family. Thank You.
Some of my KD shout outs.
Big- I love you and I am so happy we have bonded 2 days in a row now! woo that is a record for us. Know that I am always here for you.
Heidi- Thanks for bonding with me all the time. I love you and am so incredibly happy to have met you this year.
Sloan- Thanks for giving me a hug today. It made me feel good. I really think you're so great and I always wish we hung out.
Shayla- Thanks for giving me advice all the time. I loved hearing about your passion for journaling today, it made me happy to see someone else who loves it as much as I do.
Rachelle- I feel like we might be the same person... so pretty much that makes you the greatest person on this list. Sorry everyone else.
Brooke- Thanks for always making me feel loved. You are the greatest. You are always genuinely interested in other people and it shows. Love you girl.
It's getting late. I better go to bed.
I love you all.